The bathroom is a haven, some people call it their zen space, an intimate place for total relaxation and renewal. So it is very important that the tub, the heart of the bathroom, is designed to actively enhance your personal experience.
There are two sources from which we take design inspiration. One is the Eastern aesthetic of strong, clean lines in which the material from which an object is created, is in itself a great part of the decoration and reward. The other derives its strength from curves and contrasts which interplay to please the eye. Both can be worked with elements of the other, so they are our starting points, but our end point is entirely focused on custom crafting our products for your pleasure and enjoyment.
We can build tubs for one person or two. We can DeepSeal™ Finish light colored hardwoods like Ash and Maple or darker, more heavily figured woods like Teak, Lyptus or Mahogany. We can design dramatic contrasts, mixing say Mahogany with a swoop of Birds Eye Maple or perhaps a Japanese Ofuro made of light Maple with contrasting bands of dark Walnut. We can also fit a wonderfully stimulating air jet system in which the tiny jets are located in the floor of the tub so there is no visible pipe work.

We design and build beautiful tubs as individual as you. We can work with your design team, responding to architects and interior designers, or we will design directly for you, interpreting your insights, preferences and delights.
Where to begin? Contact Bath in Wood to start a conversation about your project or view our wooden bathtub portfolio.